If you have any further questions, feel free to email any of the following members. Contact information can be found here.

Executive Board


Sophia azim


olivia wong

Vice President of Finance

hetansh trivedi

Vice President of Recruitment

nirmal nathan

Secretary/Risk Management Officer

jamie gonzales

Vice President of Programming


liam hoeferlin

Recruitment Chair

shansa vishwanathan

Graduate Chair


bella calderon

Service Chair

grace Pento

Finance Marketing Chair

alisha babu

Health Professions Chair

Francesca Sadovi


Ximena salazar

Health and Wellness Chair


aamin mahdi

Membership Chair

anika gurbani

Graduate Chair

john crossin

Fundraising Chair

krina chitnis

Social Media Chair

talha syed

Points Chair

kathy le

Social Chair

farah hasan

Special Events Chair

george tawfic

Health and Wellness Chair


markus slowinski

Equity and Inclusion Chair

JP colarelli

Service Chair


iulia zamfir

Recruitment Marketing Chair

sufiya shazia

Health Professions Chair

jadean warburton

Philanthropy Chair

josh bernstein

Social Chair

moosa ahmed

Resource Management Chair